About the Corporation
Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporation was established as part of the historic South West Native Title Settlement between the Noongar people and the Western Australian Government. As the prescribed body corporate representing the Whadjuk people, the native title holders of the Perth metropolitan region, our purpose is to work for the social, cultural and economic wellbeing of the Whadjuk Noongar community.
Our corporation emerged from a long struggle by Noongar elders and leaders to achieve recognition of Whadjuk people's traditional ownership and custodianship of Whadjuk boodja (country). The Whadjuk Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA), signed in 2022 as part of the wider Settlement, provides a platform for Whadjuk people to fulfill our cultural obligations to look after and make decisions about our ancestral lands and waters.
With the Settlement paving a new way forward, Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporation is focused on building a strong, sustainable future for our people. Our role is to manage native title benefits and support Whadjuk Corporation members to maintain our culture, protect our heritage, and create opportunities across our community.
Key priorities include:
• Supporting Whadjuk people to practice, preserve and promote our language, laws, customs and traditions
• Managing our native title rights and interests over Whadjuk lands and waters
• Driving initiatives that enhance the wellbeing of Whadjuk families and elders
• Nurturing education, training and employment pathways for Whadjuk youth
• Fostering economic development and commercial opportunities for the Whadjuk Noongar community
• Collaborating with government, industry and community partners to advance Whadjuk aspirations
Guided by strong cultural governance and the wisdom of our elders, Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporation is working to create a positive, empowered future - one where Whadjuk Noongar culture is respected and celebrated, our community is thriving, and our people stand proud on our ancestral boodja.
Wahdjuk recognition prospers all.