Whadjuk Corporation Annual General Meeting


All Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporation members are invited to the Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporation 2024 Annual General Meeting.

When: Monday, 11 November 2024

Time: Registration at 3:00pm for a 3:30pm start. Meeting concludes at 7:30pm.

Where: Cygnet Room, Optus Stadium, Burswood

Online option: For Teams access, email kaya@whadjuknoongar.org.au

There will be a vote for selection of our Cultural Advice Committee. Make your voice heard and have a say in who represents you.

You will also have the chance to meet our new Interim CEO, Lisa Dobrin.

This is an important opportunity to engage with community, get updates on the Corporation's activities and progress, and shape our direction for the future. We value your participation and look forward to a productive meeting.

Please join us in person if you can. An online Teams option is available for those unable to attend - just email kaya@whadjuknoongar.org.au for access.

The full agenda and reports are attached. If you have any questions, please contact the office on 08 7095 3560.

We hope to see you there!

Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporation


Job opportunity: CEO


Welcoming our Interim CEO